If you are advised by the insurance company to choose a particular repair shop then consider whether that shop is ideal for you or not. It is not necessary that you would have to choose a repair shop according to the insurance company. know about car insurance sg.
How to save on your auto insurance premium?
Several factors can help you to end up with a cheaper auto insurance premium. Here are a few of those tips.
- A good driving record might help you to save a lot of money on the insurance premium. If you provide this record then the insurance company will automatically grant you a discount on the premium.
- Having a good credit score is another thing that might help you to end up with a cheaper insurance premium.
- Another trick to getting a cheaper policy is to club your auto insurance with other insurance like your house or other property-related insurance. However, you cannot club it with your medical or any health insurance.
- Besides these, if you have a low income and bearing an insurance policy is a load for you then you might take the help of government-sponsored plans that have special rates for the low-income group.
No credit check auto insurance loans are more expensive
If you choose auto insurance without checking your credit score then there is a high possibility that you would have to pay a much higher premium for that policy.